Monday, March 25, 2013

An Audi and A Guitar

A couple of weeks ago a friend of Billy and I's contacted me about making a cake for her best friend's birthday.  We met this friend while playing sand volleyball, something I can't wait to get back to after taking off a few seasons due to being pregnant. 

When we were discussing decorations she told me that her best friend drove an Audi, loved playing the guitar and music and wears a head scarf. So together we came up with a design.  We first talked about having her friend sitting on the Audi playing a guitar but after I constructed her friend and the car out of fondant I thought the cake would be more stable if I put her friend sitting on the cake.  It wasn't what we discussed but I do think it still looked good the way it came out. 

The cake was a yellow cake iced in buttercream and decorated with fondant.  

When our friend came to pick up the cake she brought a gift for our son (who actually wasn't here when she came :/ ).  That was so sweet of her to think of him.  He loved opening it and I plan on saving it for his birthday party so others can play with him. Thanks so much!!

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